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Intuitive Animal Communication

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Helping pet parents understand their animal companion.

Have you ever wondered why your animal companion behaves the way they do. Would you like to know how you can help them and what they have to say about their life with you?


As an animal lover, I want the best for all animals. If I am able to help pet parents understand their animal companion, I have done my job. These beautiful souls have come to us specifically to help us learn and grow. We owe it to them to help make their lives a happy one. Or at least do our best to make them as comfortable as possible.


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Starting at $65+ 

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Happy, Fulfilled Clients


~Animal Communication Reading~


"The readings for my dogs were fascinating and eye opening. I learned so much about my senior dog and my puppy - what was most interesting is that my puppy communicated he was called to come to our family by our senior dog to help because these times are very difficult (our puppy came during the pandemic), this is interesting because we were not planning on getting a new dog. Rosinha was able to describe personalities of both dogs, what lessons the dogs are here to teach us, medical scan and so much more including tips for the family. My senior dog came to bring calm and teach us patience and to help heal and clear negative energies from our home. Our puppy came to bring more happiness, laughter and excitement. The puppy was able to communicate he was with me in a past life as a white dog - I had a white dog I rescued when I was younger. I feel a deep connection with my puppy like he knows me and I know him and the reading was able to confirm this information. I would highly recommend this reading to all pet owners - it was a truly powerful and deeply telling of the soul connection we have with our pets."

Marianna F.

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